Tuition and Fees

The fees for the program are approved by the God’s Kids Advisory Board. The tuition fee is determined by how many days the child will attend in the session and divided into ten equal payments (fall session) or two payments (summer session) for your convenience. The tuition fee does not include potential EVSC make-up days or school breaks. Fees are due on the first day of the month. Please contact the Preschool Director for the current tuition rate.

Families with two or more children will pay full tuition for the first child and receive a 20% discount for each subsequent child. There are no refunds for absences.

Registration fees are as follows:

School Session $55.00 (includes a t-shirt)

Summer Session $30.00


You have the option of packing a lunch for your child or purchasing a hot lunch from the school cafeteria.

An outreach ministry of: 

McCutchanville Community Church
9509 Petersburg Rd., Evansville, Indiana 47725