6-12 month old classroom (The Shrimp Classroom)
- Pacifier (if used)
- Sleep sack—must be sleep safe approved.
- Extra Bottle
- Change of Clothes
- Formula if used (labeled unopened container)
- Food when they are ready
- Diapers
- Diaper Cream
- Tylenol (if needed) please see office for medication form
- Sunscreen
12- 24 month old Classroom (The Angelfish and Seahorse Classrooms)
- 1 box of Kleenex
- 2 glue sticks
- 1 pack of Big Crayola Crayons
- 2 Large Clorox wipes
- Change of Clothing – placed in a gallon size zip-lock bag with child’s name on bag
- $2.00 for binder (for your child’s portfolio)
- 2 packages of baby wipes (no travel size please)
- 1 box sandwich size bags
- Sunscreen for your child
- Crayola Markers
2 year old Classrooms (The Clownfish and Jellyfish Classrooms)
- 1 box of Kleenex
- 4 glue sticks
- 1 bottle of glue
- 8 or 10 pack washable markers
- 24 pack of crayola crayons
- Change of Clothing – placed in a gallon size zip-lock bag with child’s name on bag
- $2.00 for binder (for your child’s portfolio)
- 1 set of watercolor paint—8 color pack
- 3 baby wipes (no travel size please)
- 2 large Clorox wipes
- 1 box sandwich size bags
- 1 package stickers
- Dry Erase Markers (multi color)
- 1 package coffee filters
- Safety Scissors
3 year old Classrooms (Rainbowfish and Starfish Classrooms)
Classroom Supply List
- 1 box of tissues
- 1 bottle of glue
- 4 glue sticks
- 1 24 pack of Crayola crayons
- 1 package of paper plates
- Change of Clothing – placed in a gallon size zip-lock bag with child’s name on bag
- $8.00 Classroom fee—This fee covers the cost of a portfolio binder and scholastic “My Big World” magazine
- 2 packages baby wipes
- 1 container Clorox Wipes
- 1 set of watercolor paint—8 color pack
- 1 box of gallon size zip lock baggies
- 1 spiral notebook
- 1 package of Crayola Markers
- 1 package coffee filters
- 2 containers of play-doh
- 1 pair children’s scissors
Dolphin and Whale Classrooms
- 1 box of Kleenex
- 4 glue sticks
- 1 package washable markers
- 2 8 Pack of Crayola Crayons
- 1 package of paper plates (plan white and coated)
- Change of Clothing – placed in a gallon size zip-lock bag with child’s name on bag
- $12.00 Classroom fee—This fee covers the cost of a portfolio binder, Scholastic magazine and Student Curriculum Editions
- 2 package baby wipes
- 1 sets of watercolor paint – 8 color pack
- 1 package (4 count) of dry erase markers
- 2 packages of Clorox wipes
- Small Art Box – please label
- 1 package coffee filters
- 2 containers of play-doh
- 1 pair children’s scissors
- 1 pack multi color dry-erase markers
An outreach ministry of:
McCutchanville Community Church
9509 Petersburg Rd., Evansville, Indiana 47725